The Pian del Tivano is about 25 km from the center of Bellagio.
We recommend reaching the town by bus that goes from Bellagio to Nesso and then from Nesso to Pian del Tivano. The Mountain Community has identified a botanical itinerary that starts from Pian del Tivano, passing by Alpe Baracca (Azienda Agrituristica Valsecchi, with horse breeding) and from Alpe del Ciucchetton, to get to the Alpetto di Torno (1130 m; 0.35 hours).
From here another path leads to the Alpe Spessola (1237 m; 0.35 hours; 1.10 hours), through the Alpe Grossa di Torno (1145m). Along the two paths, different botanical species meet in the various seasons, indicated in a publication edited by the Authority.
Source Triangolo Lariano